Corporate Responsibility Policy

Whilst Supplying Signage Solutions, Seaward Safety recognises its duty to behave responsibly to all parties affected by its business operations. Therefore, we endeavour to minimise our business related social, ethical and environmental impacts.

Directors place particular emphasis on maintaining great relationships with its customers, employees and suppliers; on health and safety, ethical sourcing, environmental issues and charitable contributions.

Set out below are our corporate responsibility policies.



Code of business conduct

In all business dealings, Seaward Safety's directors and employees (and also those of associated companies) will ensure the following:

  • Employees will obey and respect any laws as well as ethical standards in the countries Seaward Safety does business.

  • Fair and honest treatment of third parties; customers, colleagues, suppliers, investors, competitors, neighbours and both government and regulatory bodies

  • Seaward Safety will never offer or accept bribes or other inducements in order to influence business decisions. Similarly, gifts and entertainment will not encourage any decisions.

  • Seaward Safety will avoid all conflicts of interest between employees and itself.

  • We will not make political contributions.

  • As a company, we will comply with relevant competition legislation.

  • We respect confidentiality at all times.

  • The honest presentation of themselves and their products, thus not making false or exaggerated claims.




Seaward Safety is committed to delivering consistently high standards of customer service and satisfaction. Therefore we constantly strive to provide high quality, safe products at a fair price, whilst supporting our “Simply Value for Money” ethos.

We will:

  • Ensure all products are safe, whilst also complying to applicable legislation.

  • Do our best to provide value for money to our customers.

  • Ensure customer service standards are consistently high.

  • Treat customers fairly, in accordance with published terms and conditions.

  • Safeguard customers’ personal information.




Seaward Safety will:

  • Provide a safe working environment in which employees are valued and encouraged to fulfil their potential.

  • Require employees to treat colleagues with respect. Therefore we will not tolerate discrimination, bullying and other forms of harassment.

  • Provide training, development opportunities and support employees by obtaining relevant professional qualifications.

  • Treat all employees and job applicants fairly and equally. Therefore somebodies sex, sexual orientation, marital status, race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, religion, age, disability or union membership status is irrelevant.

  • Allow employees to raise issues without prejudice.



Slavery and Human Trafficking

Seaward Safety seeks to comply with all legislation and regulatory requirements concerning modern slavery and human trafficking. We recognise that identifying potential victims of slavery can be difficult as there is a spectrum of abuse, but we have a responsibility to ensure that workers are not being exploited and that they are safe and free.
We aim to:

  • Act ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships;

  • Adhere to our core moral value of fairness for all;

  • Ensure that the components and raw materials we use are sourced without the use of any forced, compulsory, bonded, unpaid or child labour; and

  • Promote the understanding of our commitment regarding modern slavery and human trafficking to all of our employees.

We expect anyone who has or seeks to have a business relationship with us to familiarise themselves with this policy and to act at all times in a way which is consistent with our values. The adherence to these values will be monitored.
Our goal is for every product supplied by Seaward Safety to be produced under safe humane conditions and that everyone involved is treated fairly.



Health and Safety

As an employer, Seaward Safety recognises its responsibility to ensure the health, safety and welfare of its employees whilst at work. Although, all Employees (Directors, Managers and Employees etc.) are responsible for ensuring that this policy extends to all persons potentially affected by our work activities. Maintaining our health and safety standard is a vital and specific role of all employees withing the company.

However, the overall implementation, maintenance and development of our safety management system is the responsibility of the senior management. To achieve objectives, the setting and reviewing of targets is included in this, as well as the provision of adequate resources. Senior Management also have a responsibility ensuring the health and safety policy and procedures conform to all applicable legislation.

Seaward Safety's Senior Management recognise the importance of its staff and encourages reporting of any hazards or risks that may adversely affect our health and safety standard. We also recognise the importance of ensuring that staff are adequately trained, informed and supervised to fulfil their activities in a safe manner.

Seaward Safety is committed to a management system that demonstrates a pro-active approach due to the continual improvement of our health and safety performance. To further achieve this, we set and review objectives to achieve compliance of current safety legislation, applicable to our Company and by matching our industry’s best practices.

As a Company, we also recognise a need for the identification of hazards and both recording and reviewing of risk assessments.

The effectiveness and implementation of Seaward Safety's health and safety policy are subject to regular management reviews, where related processes and procedures are subject to an on-going audit schedule.



Supply chain

Seaward Safety source raw materials from many countries.

Where possible, we encourage suppliers to manage environmental impacts of their activities.

In the event that a supplier cannot give reasonable assurance that its employees are treated in a safe, fair manner, Seaward Safety will seek another supplier. Assuring of the following is especially relevant:

  • Health and Safety

  • Hygiene

  • Child Labour

  • Working hours

  • Fair wages

  • Clear and fair employment practices

  • Freedom of association

  • Accommodation

  • Supply chain management

  • Environment




In all aspects of Seaward Safety's business activities, we are committed to achieving high standards of environmental performance, including compliance with relevant legislation.

We will:

  • Monitor and reduce our environmental impact, where possible.

  • Minimise our energy consumption.

  • Recycle as much as possible thus producing minimal waste.

  • Ensure compliance with relevant environmental legislation.



Charitable donations

At our discretion, we will:

  • Support charities through various employee events and Company donations.