Wherever possible, our products will conform to relevant standards and/or guidelines.


Photoluminescent material

Meets the requirements for low Location Lighting Systems complying with Annex A.1. Item No. A.1/3.40 and Annex B in the Directive. SOLAS 74 as amended, Regulation II-2/13 and FSS Code 11.

EC Type Examination issued by DNV. Certificate Number MED-B-9035


Standards attributed to products include but not limited to:

    • ISO 24409-1 Ships and Marine Technology - Design, location and use of shipboards safety signs, safety related signs, safety notices and safety markings Part 1: Design Principles.

    • ISO 24409-2 Ships and Marine Technology - Design, location and use of shipboards safety signs, safety related signs, safety notices and safety markings Part 2: Catalogue.

    • ISO 24409-3 Ships and Marine Technology - Design, location and use of shipboards safety signs, safety related signs, safety notices and safety markings Part 3: Code of Practice.

    • ISO 3864-1 Graphical symbols -- Safety colours and safety signs. Part 1: Design principles for safety signs in workplaces and public areas

    • ISO 3864-2 Graphical symbols -- Safety colours and safety signs. Part 2: Design principles for product safety labels

    • ISO 3864-3 Graphical symbols -- Safety colours and safety signs. Part 3: Design principles for graphical.

    • ISO 3864-4 Graphical symbols -- Safety colours and safety signs. Part 4: Colorimetric and photometric properties of safety sign materials.

    • ISO 16069 Graphical symbols-Safety Signs-Safe Way Guidance Systems

    • ISO 7010 Graphical symbols -- Safety colours and safety signs. Safety signs used in workplaces and public areas

    • ISO 15370 Ships and marine technology Low location lighting (LLL) on passenger ships- Arrangement

    • ISO 17398 Graphical symbols-Safety colours and safety signs. Classification, performance and durability of safety signs

    • ISO 17631 Ships and marine technology Shipboard plans for fire protection, life-saving appliances and means of escape

    • ISO 14726-2008 Ships and marine technology - Identification colours for the content of piping systems

    • International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, (SOLAS 1974)

    • International Maritime Organisation Resolution A.1023(26) – Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (2009 MODU Code)

    • International Maritime Organisation Resolution A.760 (18) (Safety Signs)

    • International Maritime Organisation Resolution A.654 (16) (Symbols for Fire Fighting)

    • International Maritime Organisation Resolution A.752 (18) Low Level Escape Route Systems.

    • M Notices as applicable


Optional: To meet the Operators requirements

    • NORSOK C-002 (Norway) Architectural components and equipment

    • NS 3926-1 2009 Visible safety way guidance systems (SWGS) in buildings Part 1: Planning and design

    • EEC Directive 92/58/EEC 1992 Safety Signs and Signals PFEER SI 743 1995

    • Marine European Directives (MED)

    • ON 14 Guidance on Coast Protection Act 1949 – Consent for Locating and the Marking of Offshore Installations. (Platform ID Signs)

    • ON 39 Offshore Installations and Pipeline Works (Management and Administration) Regulations 1995: Guidance on Identification of Offshore Installations

    • Brazilian Standards NR 26 – Colour Code

    • Brazilian Standards NR 30(Annex II) – Platforms and Support Installations.

    • Russian Standard GOST R 12.4.026-2001 System of Occupational Safety and Health Standards, Safety Colours, Safety Signs and Marking, Purpose and Rules for Application. General Technical Requirements and Technical Characteristics. Test Methods.