At least once per year, one deck in each main vertical zone of your Low Location Lighting (LLL) system should be inspected and tested. And that's where we can help!


Seaward Safety's Testing Engineers have extensive experience in testing LLL systems. Our Engineers are extremely knowledgeable and can advise on any areas that fail to meet the ISO and IMO standards.

Glow in the dark testing service

Seaward Safety's Testing Engineers:

•  Understand your desire and due diligence in ensuring your crew/staff's safety.

•  Will test your luminance and take readings onsite.

•  Advise whether your Low Level Location's luminance readings meet legal requirements.

•  Consult on further steps, should these legal requirements not be met.

•  Once onboard, and if required, can conduct a Gap Analysis Survey, to ascertain any shortfalls in your existing safety signage, including directional escape and firefighting.

Low Location Lighting close up image

Legislation states that your entire LLL system must be fully tested and inspected at least once every 5 years, as according to ISO 15370:2010 and IMO Resolution 752(18).


The yearly testing of alternating main vertical zones will contribute to the overall, complete 5 yearly test.

If any part of your LLL system is sub-standard, our Testing Engineer will discuss options with you, to restore your system's compliance.

Contact us to discuss your Low Location Lighting testing requirements